
Drug Interactions

Late Night Snacking

Eating a Late Dinner Can Drive Weight Gain

Research shows that eating dinner late at night can drive weight gain, regardless of the number of calories consumed.


Foods and Beverages that Interact with Statins

In the case of statins, the most likely issues are decreased breakdown of the medication or increased effect due to food or drink interactions.


Caffeine, Alcohol, and Medications: What You Should Know

Most people know not to mix alcohol and Tylenol, but both alcohol and caffeine can interact with other prescription medications.


Can You Take Ibuprofen with Zoloft? Potential Interactions and Risks

Zoloft can interact with other drugs, including ibuprofen. Learn about the dangers of taking Zoloft and ibuprofen together.


Common Food and Drug Interactions

You probably know certain medications can interact with other medications you may be taking. But did you know some foods can interact, too?


Avoiding Drug Interactions: There’s an App for That

Check out the latest story from CBS News – New York for the latest interview with ScriptSave’s own Dan Johnson.


25 Years and $10 Billion in Prescription Savings

More than $10 billion dollars of savings, as the company marks its Silver Anniversary with the release of a brand new module that can assist patients with their grocery choices and find healthier alternatives.


Your Medications and Marijuana

With the growing legalization of marijuana, which has been approved for recreational use in 10 states and for medical use in 33 states, there’s naturally a lot of buzz around the medical benefits. Emerging research suggests it may be a safer substitute for opioids to treat pain. But what about potential drug interactions?


Can You Get Pneumonia from The Pneumonia Vaccine?

With all of the news coverage about vaccines, it is important to equip yourself with the knowledge on what vaccines are, how they work, and why they don’t cause disease to make an informed decision on your health.


What You Need to Know about Drug Interactions

If you take any prescription medications, you need to be aware of potential interactions. Here’s how you can protect yourself from dangerous drug interactions.


The 2019 Opioid Regulations

In October 2017, Acting Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Eric D. Hargan issued a statement declaring a nationwide public health emergency regarding the opioid crisis. The opioid epidemic in America has become a top priority in efforts to prevent opioid overuse.


Alternative Decongestants for Patients with High Blood Pressure

It’s allergy season and you can’t breathe the fresh air because your nose is congested and stuffed. You visit the pharmacy and purchase a box of Sudafed. Your pharmacist asks if you have a history of high blood pressure, and you answer “yes.” The pharmacist replies that she does not recommend Sudafed for you, but why?


Activated Charcoal: Latest Health Fad, OTC Use and Misuse

With all the new diet and detoxification trends arising from celebrities and the media, it’s hard to know harmful from helpful. Activated charcoal has been portrayed as the new “magic bullet” for multiple health issues. Activated charcoal’s popularity is quickly spreading and turning up in supplements, juices, hangover remedies, face masks and even toothpastes. The media and celebrities promise it will reduce bloating, clear skin, whiten your teeth, and detox your organs for a healthier life. But does it work?


ScriptSave WellRx App Makes Medication Management Easier

Prescription medications don’t work if patients don’t take them, or fail to take them correctly. Taking medications as prescribed by your physician can help improve the quality and length of your life. The latest release of the ScriptSave® WellRx app can help.


Patient Education: Fighting Fake News

When it comes to health information on the internet, many patients are no longer sure what to believe. As important, patients often don’t know how to apply what they have read. As a healthcare provider, you have the opportunity to help patients navigate through the vast variety of  online health information.


Types of Bleeding & Anticoagulation Therapy

Bleeding can manifest itself in a variety of different ways which, at times, may not be easy to recognize. Some bleeds are also more serious than others and may require emergency medical attention. Bleeding frequency may also vary depending on a variety of factors such as underlying bleeding disorders or the use of certain medications.


What You Need to Know about Morning Sickness

Morning sickness or nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP) occurs in 70-80% of pregnant women.  In the United States, roughly 4 million women are affected each year. 


Are You at Risk for a Fall?

Every year there are millions of falls occurring in the older population, aged 65 and older. About 1 out of 4 older people fall each year, with less than half reporting it to their doctor.


Getting Enough Iodine When Eating a Heart Healthy Diet

You may be wondering, “Why do I need iodine in my salt or other food?” Iodine is an essential element our bodies need that we cannot produce on our own, and therefore need to get it from food sources. Iodine is needed to produce the thyroid hormone, which is important for bodily functions related to metabolism…


No Blank Script: Walmart Announces Tighter Controls for Opioid Prescriptions

Walmart issued a press release to announce the pending introduction (within 60 days) of new restrictions on how it will fill prescriptions for opioid medications. These new initiatives will apply to all Walmart and Sam’s Club pharmacies and pharmacists in the United States and Puerto Rico.


Serotonin Syndrome

The varying symptoms of Serotonin Syndrome can be difficult to diagnose. Early serotonin syndrome symptoms, including diarrhea, high blood pressure, anxiety and agitation, can be easily confused with less serious conditions.


What You Need to Know About Asthma

During asthma attacks, the walls inside of the airway become sore, swollen, and red and produce mucus, making it harder to breathe. The airway tubes become very sensitive when they are inflamed and may react strongly to allergens. Air movement in and out of the lungs is constricted when inflammation is present, resulting in shortness of breath.


Drug Therapy for Insomnia

Sleep is a precious commodity that everyone needs to function. Individual sleep needs are different; some people need a few extra hours while others need less. Some people are light sleepers, while others “sleep like logs.


Statin Medications and the Risk of Rhabdomyolysis

If your doctor has prescribed a statin medication to lower your cholesterol, you may have heard or read about the potential side effects of statin drugs, and their impact on liver function.


Pharmacogenomics or Pharmacogenetics?

As with most things, when it comes selecting a drug regimen for the treatment of chronic disease, one size does not fit all. If you take medications, you may have wondered why that is the case. One reason is because of pharmacogenomics.


Managing Epilepsy: How Pharmacists Can Help

Choosing the correct medication to treat epilepsy is a multifaceted process. Pharmacists can have a huge impact on the patient’s therapeutic response as a valued member of the healthcare team.

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Is a NOAC Right for Me?

The NOACs, or novel oral anticoagulants, are a new breed of blood thinner that have arrived on the market within the last ten years.

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Prescription Discount Cards vs. Drug Coupons

What's the difference between prescription discount cards and drug coupons?


What You Need to Know About Behavioral Health Medications

There are a number of mental conditions that shape mood and behavior. Any condition that affects a person’s thinking, feeling or mood, falls into a medical classification of Behavioral Health.  Such conditions may affect someone’s ability to relate to others, or maintain reasonable function every day. Each person may have different experiences, even if they have the same diagnosis as someone else.


Transition of Care

“It all started with pain radiating down my left arm. It was hard to breathe and I was short of breath. I knew something was wrong and called 911. I was rushed to the hospital. I remember the sirens, but they slowly faded away. Then I woke up. There was a man in a white […]


Vitamin D and Statin-induced Muscle Pain

Some studies have given vitamin D supplements to statin users experiencing muscle pain. While these studies were uncontrolled, they did show improvement in muscle pain in nearly 90% of patients.


Side Effects of Statin Drugs – Drug Induced Liver Injury

Doctors often prescribe statins for people with high cholesterol levels to lower their total cholesterol and reduce their risk of a heart attack or stroke. While statins are highly effective, they have been linked to muscle pain, digestive problems and mental fuzziness in some people and may rarely cause liver damage.

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What’s Causing My Ulcer?

Heliobacter pylori is a bacteria highly prevalent worldwide and is closely linked to duodenal ulcers, gastric ulcers, and peptic ulcer disease. It is also linked to an increased risk of developing gastric cancer in an infected person. Despite being more common in developing countries with poor socioeconomic conditions, the American College of Gastroenterology states that 30-40% of the U.S. population is infected with H. pylori, putting them at risk for conditions such as peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer.

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Should You Be Taking Low-dose Aspirin Daily?

Many people take aspirin occasionally to provide relief from various conditions (e.g. pain, inflammation, fever, headaches), but what about taking a low-dose aspirin every day for prevention reasons? As with all medications, aspirin poses various benefits and risks that need to be taken into consideration before you start taking it. Certain individuals would benefit the most from taking a low-dose aspirin and others shouldn’t take it at all.


The T’s in DiabeTes (Sound-Alike and Look-Alike Medications)

Sound-Alike/Look-Alike Medications are very important to identify and help reduce medication errors. There are several medications starting with the letter “T” that have become available to treat diabetes. This may lead to confusion among patients and physicians, so it’s important YOU understand how to safely recognize and use your diabetes medication.


Diabetic? Here’s Why You Need a Glucagon Pen

Confusion, weakness, anxiety or irritability, a general sense of confusion — these are signs of low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia. It often happens when diabetics take too much insulin.
Hypoglycemia happens to many people with diabetes, and it can be serious or even fatal.
Severe hypoglycemic episode, also referred to as insulin shock, can occur when the body has too much insulin that can lead to low blood sugar levels.


Dietary Supplements 101: What you should know

The US supplement industry is a $30 billion dollar business. The Council for Responsible Nutrition estimates that almost 70% of US adults use dietary supplements. The FDA is the administration that regulates the approval and use of prescription medication. What this means is that on a prescription bottle labeled with a specific amount of ingredients, you can be certain that the actual amount in a given tablet, capsule, cream, suppository, solution, etc. is between about 95% and 105% of what the label actually states.


Struggling with Statins?

Why do I need a statin? Why are there so many with different names? Why did my doctor prescribe this brand name statin I can’t afford? What are the risks, side effects, and benefits of this medication? Why are they talking about cola-colored urine? If you’re like most people, you have thought of these questions leaving your doctor’s office or pharmacy and might have forgotten to ask. You’re in the right place.


The Latest News on Statins

If you’re over 40, your doctor may talk with you about adding a statin to prevent heart disease. Statins (like Crestor, Zocor and Lipitor) are a class of medications that lower cholesterol levels. The US Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF), a government-backed group that establishes health recommendations, is now suggesting that statins be used for the primary prevention of heart disease in adults. This means that statins can be used to prevent strokes or heart attacks, even if you have never had one in the past.


Safety Study on Arthritis Drug Celebrex Surprises Heart Doctors

If you struggle with arthritis pain, chances are you’ve tried a variety of anti-inflammatory medications for pain relief. While drugs falling into the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory category (NSAIDs) can help, they often come with gastrointestinal side effects. A major 10-year study has shown that Celebrex (generic name, Celecoxib) may not have the same side effects of […]


Pharmacogenomics – Finding the Right Medication for You

Pharmacogenomics is a form of personalized medicine where “one size does not fit all.” By using your personal genetic makeup, it may be possible to see how well you respond to a medication and then make adjustments to your medication regimen as needed. Utilizing this method takes out the guess work where prescribers may try multiple medications before finding one that works best for the patient.


IBS or IBD? Similar but Different

Unlike IBD, IBS isn’t classified as a true disease. Instead it’s known as a “functional disorder.” This means that the symptoms don’t have an identifiable cause. Contrary to popular belief, IBS isn’t a psychological condition. IBS has physical symptoms, but there is no known cause.


Are You Taking Your Medications the Right Way?

Taking your medications as prescribed on long-term basis requires commitment and organization. Taking your medications as indicated by your doctor is extremely important for your continued health. Medications are given to you in the strength that is best suited to treat your medical condition. Here are some general medication facts to help you take your medications safely and effectively.


ADHD Treatment

There’s no known cure for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a common disorder that often starts in childhood, but is sometimes not diagnosed until adulthood. It is important for parents to remember that ADHD can be successfully managed. There are many treatment options, so parents should work closely with everyone involved in the child’s life—healthcare providers, therapists, teachers, and family members.
For children 6 years of age and older, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends both behavior therapy and medication as good options, preferably both together. For young children (under 6 years of age) with ADHD, behavior therapy is recommended as the first line of treatment, before medication is tried. Good treatment plans will include close monitoring of whether and how much the treatment helps the child’s behavior, and making changes as needed along the way. You can learn more


Do You Have Asthma or COPD? Meet Your Lifesaver

Asthma and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) are the most common breathing conditions that require the use of inhalers, either a rescue inhaler or controller inhaler based on their purpose.

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Losing The War With Warfarin?

Do you feel like you’re losing the war with warfarin? You have your annual doctor’s visit, which includes a brief conversation hearing the words “anticoagulation” or “INR” and receive a prescription for warfarin, which requires blood work every few weeks. The conversation goes on to detail dietary restrictions, including foods and over-the-counter medications you should not take while on this medication, along with a long list of side effects. Walking out with a dazed look from information overload you ask yourself “What does this all mean?” Here’s the break down.

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Traveling? Make Sure You’re Vaccinated

As the summer months approach, many have started planning their summer vacations. However, before you consider making travel plans for the summer, you should also consider looking into any pertinent travel vaccines or medications that may be necessary for international travel. There are risk factors which are dependent on where you are traveling, activities you will participate in …


Do you need a Folic Acid supplement?

Folic acid supplementation has always been regarded as the key to natal wellness. However, recent studies have linked high levels of this vitamin to autism. So this may have you wondering what is a sufficient amount and where can I obtain it? First, you should be aware of the difference between folate and folic acid. Folate is the naturally occurring form of the vitamin which is found in foods such as…

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Patience at the Pharmacy 1.01: Why does it take so long to fill my Rx?

Have you ever found yourself waiting forever to get your prescription filled at the pharmacy? I mean, how much time does it honestly take to count 30 pills into a bottle and label it? It should just take a few minutes, right? It’s a common question.


Finding Trusted Health Information on the Internet

Have you ever found yourself Googling your symptoms when you are sick? A few clicks later and you find yourself absorbing information that correlates with your symptoms and you have convinced yourself that you have this condition and only months to live? I have realized that Googling your symptoms when you are ill is a

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Medication Questions? We Have Answers

More than half a million ScriptSave WellRx members will now have access to a pharmacist’s advice through an agreement with SinfoníaRx, an innovative medication management company.
“ScriptSave WellRx members already have great value, education and service when purchasing prescriptions and


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