Quick-Start Guide: Avoid Frustration at the Pharmacy

August 17, 2020

This short tutorial is designed to address the most common mistake that users of the ScriptSave’s WellRx program make. It happens every day, and few things cause as much frustration among users as this. However, it’s easy to avoid. Therefore, we rate this tutorial as a “MUST READ” for everyone.

Getting the Most Accurate Price Estimates. A Quick-start Guide, from “ScriptSave University”

A common complaint from people filling prescriptions is as follows:

“The price at the pharmacy was much higher than the price on the website/app! What went wrong?”

  • Why does this happen?
    • Prescription drugs are not a “one size, fits all” kind of thing. They come in many different strengths & quantities, as well as being available in different forms (i.e. tablets, pills, creams, ointments, etc.). There might also be different manufacturers making their own versions of a drug.
  • What do you need to do?
    • When you use the price-check tool on the ScriptSave WellRx website or app it is highly important to make sure that the default selections for all the different variables are matching with the details on your prescription.
    • If the default selections don’t match your prescription, you will need to change them manually. This is VERY EASY to do; for details, see the guide below. (NOTE: if you don’t make the necessary edits, you will find yourself looking at the wrong drug. As such, you should not be surprised if the pharmacist tells you a different price).

The Solution (easy as 1-2-3):

To avoid the frustration of inaccurate price quotes for your prescription medications, follow our easy step-by-step guide:

  • Step 1. Enter the drug name (without any details about strength, quantity, form, etc.) and your zip code.

NOTE: Only enter the drug name (then double-check the strength, qty, etc. on NEXT screen)

  • Step 2. (on the screen that will follow) Review the default selection for strength, quantity, etc.

NOTE: Check for (and manually edit) brand/generic, strength, quantity, and form

  • Step 3. Understand that the default settings reflect the most commonly dispensed version of the drug name that you searched for. However, if the details on your prescription are different in any way, you will need to make changes.

Insider Tip:

If your prescription does not match the default details in the price-check tool and you’re fed up with constantly having to edit them each time you price-check, you can save your specific settings to “My Medicine Chest” – read the related Quick-start Guide on “Why Should I Create an Account?” (or jump directly to creating a FREE account).